Dear Fellow Anglers,
One of the most important things you can do this year for your fishery is come hear Gary Loomis speak on March 11. In February, my wife and I drove to Mt. Vernon to hear Gary speak on behalf of the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) and for sport fishermen. It's not too late to save our fishery and CCA offers a proven track record, system and method that will enable us to save one of our most treasured resources and pastimes. This is a call to action and a call for support. Gary's talk is enlightening, motivating and entertaining. Please join me at this free informational speech. Bring your friends and your family and let us pack the house!
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Location: Bloedel Donovan Park Multi-Purpose Gymnasium
Who: Anyone who is concerned about our fishery
Questions: Jason@angleronthefly.com
Jason Cross 360.927.4700
Jason Cross
Angler on the Fly
(CCA press release below)
Anglers Organize for Coastal Conservation
Gary Loomis to give informational talks about Coastal Conservation Association chapters in the Pacific Northwest
VANCOUVER, WA - The fast-growing Pacific Northwest chapters of the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) continue their membership recruiting drive with a series of information sessions by PNW Chairman Gary Loomis. Just 11 months after a handful of concerned anglers brought CCA to the Northwest, membership exceeds 4,000 and shows no signs of slowing.
"CCA is a grassroots advocacy organization, not a fishing club, and that makes it different from most groups in the country," said Matt Kayser, Executive Director of CCA PNW. "Our members are getting involved to change the future of fisheries in the Northwest. That is the strength of CCA."
Frustrated sports anglers are "refusing to let wild salmon populations disappear forever at the hands of commercial gillnetters," said Matt Olson, president of CCA Washington.
"Gary Loomis deserves much of the credit for bringing CCA to Washington and Oregon. He has been tireless in spreading the message and he has the visibility and charisma to draw attention to this issue," said David Cummins, CCA president.
"The plight of salmon is really motivating people by the hundreds to get involved in CCA. We have rarely seen this degree of frustration with a fishery and its management. People here know what is at stake and they are ready to do whatever they have to do to fix the situation."
CCA is the largest marine resource conservation group in the country, with more than 100,000 members in 17 state chapters along the Gulf, Atlantic, and Pacific coasts.
Hear Gary Loomis, Tuesday, March 11 at 6:30 PM
Bellingham, WA
Event and raffle hosted by Angler on the Fly
Bloedel Donovan Park Multi-Purpose Gymnasium
2214 Electric Avenue
Contact: Jason Cross 360-927-4700
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